6:49 PM
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T Minus one day until my April Vacation. Thank goodness. I am whipped. This was a long week.
My plans for next week include but are certainly not limited to:
- Making a new pair of linen pants.
- Reading - finally finishing Rabbit Redux and then starting The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
- Working Out
- Perfecting the Itinerary for Europe - I need to figure out what were doing in Paris
This Saturday Jeremy and I are going on our first hike of the season to Mt. Chocorua in the lovely White Mountains.
Welp that's it. I'm out.
8:16 PM
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So Jeremy is gone for the weekend. There are some things I have realized about myself. A wonderful time for a list:
- I am not a neat person. I do not care if things are tidy.
- I really only need bowls, tea cups, and spoons to survive.
- I watch too much TV.
- I spend too much time on the computer.
- Sounds around the house make me nervous.
- Sleeping alone is too quite and not fun.
- However, getting to sleep with the fan blowing directly on my face is nice.
- Laughing by yourself is not as much fun as laughing with someone else.
- I would not like living alone.
- While I have always been opposed to guns, there's a possibility I would purchase at least mace if I lived by myself.
Well there is update two in less than a month.
7:21 PM
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Becka is a diligent poster. I feel guilty when I read her blog and a few others on a regular basis and never contribute anything myself. So here is an update.
This summer we are going to Italy and Paris. I spent weeks research tickets, hotels, and activities. There are still more activities to plan. However, all the hotels are booked, and the plane tickets are purchased. We're going from July 31 to Aug 18 flying Aer Lingus. This means we have a connection in Dublin. I am reallllllllllly excited about this trip. I have wanted to go to Europe basically my entire life. I should be working on memorizing some useful phrases but so far the closet I am to memorizing them is that I wrote them on note cards. We'll see how that goes.
Last weekend, for my birthday, we went to Montreal. Vieux Montreal (Old Montreal) is beautiful. It's full of great architecture, cathedrals, cobble stone, etc. The weather was nice for Canada in March, and we were able to stay outside, walking several miles exploring the town.
There are 14 days until April Vacation, which I am immensely thankful for. This has been a long school year due to the fact that we've had a total of 9 days off for bad weather. My students are trying(read disturbed) as always, but I think I have definitely improved since last year. However, I still have a long way to go to being a really good teacher.
My 45 minute drive to and from work is made increasingly better by NPR and miscellaneous audio books. Currently, I am listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Highlights from the audio books include, but are not limited: There Are Gods in Alabama by Joshylin Jackson, When You Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Dairy Queen by Catherine Murdock. I'm sure people who drive by me and see me laughing hysterically or crying depending on what I'm listening to probably think I'm crazy.
Jeremy is going to Wisconsin for a math conference in two weekends. As a surprise, I purchased him a ticket to a Cubs game. He will freeze and be alone, but hopefully he'll still have fun.
I've been slowly learning to sew and I hope to improve and make some more projects. It seems I will have to find some baby projects to work on as Jay and Jessa are going to have a baby in October.
Well I think that's enough for now. I will really try to not let it go another 9 months before I update again.
7:21 PM
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