My Return

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So as it may be noticed I've taken a bit of a hiatus from the writing scene, but I am back. I've decided one way to make myself write more is to set mini-goals. One of these is to write a letter to Time every week until they publish me. So here is the first installment.

To the Editor of Time:
I'm a 24 year old biracial woman, and I just want to say "Don Imus I'm not mad at you." Now before anyone gets all heated, let me just say maybe Mr. Imus made a poor decision, but so what? As an English major and a writer, I understand the power of words, and I want the power to say and write them. I believe in free speech. Free speech does not mean you can say what you like as long I agree with you. In fact, I think the beauty for free speech are the opposing views that are aired. We need to move out of this fever of offense that we have all settled into and get a grip. Whatever happened to sticks and stones?

When it comes down to it most people wouldn't have even heard the "offensive statement." if everyone had not gotten all flustered. Racism, hate speech, whatever you want to call it wouldn't be half as powerful if everyone just chill out and stop repeating every little thing they hear that they don't like.

So Don Imus, while I don't support you or what you say I wholly support your right to say it.