On being a person not just a wife

7:03 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Here are some things that I enjoy doing. . . Crocheting, Baking, Reading, Cooking,
Here are some other things that I enjoy doing. . . Playing any and every sport, working out, hiking, building things, organized things, fixing computers. . .
My activities that one might consider "Manly" or dare I say it "husbandly" far outweigh the others.

Now these are all things that I like doing. Martha Stewart in many ways I have decided is similar to myself. She enjoys baking, crafting, and what not but at the same time she is a tycoon. When Martha bakes no one says "wow, that sure was a wifey thing to do, Martha!" Why is this you may ask? Ahh I know b/c Martha is a kick butt tycoon and no one would dare say something so demeaning and impersonalizing to her. She is without a doubt a person, not a wife. I hate it when people refer to me in ways that they wouldn't refer to others mearly b/c I am married. My relationship status should have no bearing on which activities I enjoy. I hate it when people count me out of things as if a) simply b/c I am married I have lost all knowledge of an outside world or b) as if I have been married since birth. I hate it when people ask me questions and address them to my husband. I apologize for ever using the collective we.

Am I a wife? Yes. Am I a person that is successful and independent? Heck Yes.

Everyone pick up a copy of Pride and Prejudice (and this does not include that piece of crap movie) read it and meditate upon it. Jane Austen did not risk her life writing such a glorious work for me to be referred to as merely a wife.

Thank you for time and reading. Comments as always are welcome.

Sleep Depravation or Why The Man Wants to Keep Us Sleepy:

5:10 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
It is currently 4 am. I at this point see no reason to go to bed. This week has completely and utterly ruined my sleep habits. I went to bed at 12:00 only to awaken at 1:30 feeling greatly refreshed and ready to work. So I've been working on my final Creative Nonfiction essay. It's pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. I am surrounded by bits of paper and diet coke cans there are books at least 15 strewn about the floor from last nights endeavors. I have returned to my old friend Critical Theory Since Plato for some help in writing my essay. It is quite amazing that a book that is well over one thousand pages and is intense on every level not to mention incredibly difficult to read, I cried over it a many a time, could bring such inspiration. Maybe it was having a certain Captain usher me through it the first time that brings such satisfaction to each little page. I do not know.

At any rate a brief diatribe:
Why the man wants to keep us sleepy:

I believe that the Man, and we all know who that is, wants to keep us sleepy, so that we are less able to overthrow his regime. If the establishment is able to keep everyone between the ages of 18 and 30 tired and up late at night, they are unable to man a revolution during the day. Ahh that crafty man, nothing more than a fox. He should be punished. We should sleep.

Conspiracy theories are so easy to hatch at 4 in the morning.

As-Salâmu 'Alaikum

Camp Hunt

2:59 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Well while the rest of my life is not decided, for example where we'll live for the next four years, the summer has been decided. A position of authority will be taken Jeremy and I are co-directing the place where friendships begin. This will undoubtdly be an interesting, fun summer of growth. It will be weird to be on the other side of things, but I think it will be cool. Really I'm just going to be a trophy wife let's be honest this camp is run by the CofC. Luckily, I'll be clad with several degrees and a working knowledg of youths. Anywho. . . Back to the take home final.

Hair Cut

8:35 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Tomorrow, I am getting my hair cut. I have NEVER, ever gotten my hair cut, by anyone other than my mom. I am nervous. This is a big investment. It costs a lot to get your hair cut; not just money but your personality and peoples perception of you is at stake. Things could go poorly. But hopefully, they won't. This is what I want it to look like.

I think this will look good both straight and curly. Of course there is little I can do to make it look any different when it's curly. Robyn says that getting my hair cut is a big event. She says it deserves balloons. I think that I will now mark events in my life by whether or not they deserve balloons. For example, today is my last day of working at the job that I hate until Jan 9th I believe this event deserves balloons.

The worst of my semester is over. I only have 2 nonfiction essays, 1 take home final, 1 in class final, some annotated bibliographies and 2 portfolios to put together and then it's home free. I can't wait to get on that plane. MMMM NY state here I come.

12 Pages

1:35 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
I have a 12 page paper due in about in about 30 hours. This paper is to contain 10 sources. All of these numbers are what Professors call minimums.

I have two words

This is the last big paper of my Academic career. I don't really know how to spell career. It's only 12:30 am and I already feel loopy.

Down with the man.

Vote for Kayne.

Peace out.


2:20 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
So, I'm thinking about slacking off next semester. I need 9 hours to graduate, and I was previously considering taking a minimum of 12 hours and possibly others b/c I am truly one of those people who likes to learn and enjoys leading a severely dysfunctional, highly stressful life, but I think it's maybe time for that to change. I have always been a really hard worker. Since my freshmen year of college, I took well over the suggested number of credit hours with two semesters totaling 20 hours and several others running close seconds. I also worked, played basketball, wrote and edited a section of a newspaper, vped a club for a bit. And where have all of these things gotten me? The answer is NOWHERE, and they will continue to get me nowhere. I work ahead and stay on top of things to make good but not grand grades. I'm predestined for mediocrity. Such is life eh? So, I think that next semester I will work my job, that I don't like, take my piddly 9 grad hours, which is a full load, but still seems remedial to me. And I will spend my excess time lounging about at coffee shops, reading books for fun. I shall crochet and do whatever the flip I want. I won't write a large paper. I won't study for Comps early. Heck maybe I won't study at all. So rest easy my friends. I am starting, tomorrow, my average Joe life. Why finish off the semester strong what difference does it make.

Peace in the middle east.