Camp Hunt

2:59 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Well while the rest of my life is not decided, for example where we'll live for the next four years, the summer has been decided. A position of authority will be taken Jeremy and I are co-directing the place where friendships begin. This will undoubtdly be an interesting, fun summer of growth. It will be weird to be on the other side of things, but I think it will be cool. Really I'm just going to be a trophy wife let's be honest this camp is run by the CofC. Luckily, I'll be clad with several degrees and a working knowledg of youths. Anywho. . . Back to the take home final.


James said...

You type "run by the CofC" as if it is a criminal empire.

Will you be responsible for training the youths to perform assasin missions and other covert ops?