All Alone

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So Jeremy is gone for the weekend. There are some things I have realized about myself. A wonderful time for a list:
  1. I am not a neat person. I do not care if things are tidy.
  2. I really only need bowls, tea cups, and spoons to survive.
  3. I watch too much TV.
  4. I spend too much time on the computer.
  5. Sounds around the house make me nervous.
  6. Sleeping alone is too quite and not fun.
  7. However, getting to sleep with the fan blowing directly on my face is nice.
  8. Laughing by yourself is not as much fun as laughing with someone else.
  9. I would not like living alone.
  10. While I have always been opposed to guns, there's a possibility I would purchase at least mace if I lived by myself.
Well there is update two in less than a month.