LIfe as I Know It

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So here's the scoop.

We are most likely (90% sure) moving to New Hampshire. Jeremy will be attending The University of New Hampshire. The town is really pretty; it's about an hour by car or train from Boston. It's about 6 -7 hours from home.
Why, you may ask, are you no longer going to Philadelphia/Drexel?
Well Drexel has done a horrible job of getting any information to Jeremy. They still haven't offered him a Teaching Assistantship and we have no way of knowing if they will. UNH is not only offering him full tuition but a large stipend. There are several job openings for me around the town, so hopefully, I will find a job quickly.

We were at first dissapointed about not going to Philadelphia, but now this is looking like the better thing to do. Students and teachers from UNH have emailed Jeremy asking him to come, and I think it will just be a better fit for him.

If, Drexel offered a TA spot we would consider it but not necessarily go.
Anyway, That's what's going on.